Baxter State Park – Part 3: Photographer Gone Wild

To me, photography is as much of an art as it is a science.  To succeed in anything, you need to have a good understanding of the fundamentals (the science) and then you can express yourself as you’d like (the art).  Just like a great musician who has played the scales 1000’s of times, the good photographer will learn all about the capabilities of their instruments.  One additional instrument today’s photographers have are digital manipulations tools.  Two of the images accompanying this post I content were good photos to start with, and I believe were made even better by giving them an extra creative twist using digital tools.  The third photo, “Zooming on Roaring Brook Road” was created “in camera” by zooming during a long exposure  – nothing beyond minor Photoshop levels, curves and saturation were applied.  The image makes it look like you’re speeding down the park’s long dirt road, but anyone who has been there knows that’s not a good idea – and not allowed!!  If you like that type of photo, Denise Ippolito has written a guide to creative filters and effects that may interest you (tell her I sent you!!) .

The other two photos I really liked a lot as is (out of the camera), but also felt that they were good material for that extra creative twist.  When walking the Appalachian Trail, in time you can become so mesmerized that you feel like your walking in a never-ending long tunnel.  “Appalachian Trail Tunnel Vision” tries to depict that feeling, juxtaposed against an ancient Glacial Erratic, that also has become warped in the tunnel.

The final image in this series is called “Stained Glass Fern.”  Ferns look so delicate and brittle, but are surprising sturdy, to a point.  The same is true of glass.  And like stained glass, the fern is “made” of many smaller pieces.  In “Stained Glass Fern in the Woods,” the fern has become a series of small glass structures in the middle of the woods supporting a loan leaf.  Be sure to open up this image – the effect looks better when bigger.

I hope you enjoy this creative and different look into Baxter State Park.  Be sure to click on any photo to see a larger and better image…Enjoy!!!

Zooming on Roaring Brook Road

Appalachian Trail Tunnel Vision

Stained Glass Fern in the Woods

References for more information:
– Maine Appalachian Trail Club:
– Official US Government Web Site:
– Appalachian Trail Conservancy:
– Baxter State Park:

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2 Responses to Baxter State Park – Part 3: Photographer Gone Wild

  1. Dennis Bishop says:

    There are a number of reasons to like the Roaring Brook Road zoom, but I especially like how you composed it. While zoom blurs can be effective, at times, with nearly mirror-image symmetry, I think that’s often overdone. By taking your shot from the side of the road instead of the center, you produced what I feel is a much more interesting image.

  2. Thanks Dennis!! I too was really happy with the way that zoom turned out. It’s not an exact science so I took several and this one really stood out!! Thanks so much for your feedback!! 🙂

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