Baxter State Park – Finale: Behind the scenes and cut photos

Some final “behind the scenes” photos and photos that didn’t make the cut for one reason or another from the recent photo trip to Baxter State Park in October of 2011.  I hope you found this series fun, inspirational and helpful.  If these posts have inspired you to go to Baxter State Park, be sure to send me a link of your photos – I’d love to see what you came away with!  Best of luck!

Here’s a photo taken when using the eMotimo time lapse machine (the orange box). If you’re interested in getting started in time lapse, this is a great, relatively inexpensive device that will help you to capture a lot of interesting motion time lapse photo sequences, such as this one:

eMotimo PT - 2-Axis time lapse machine used to capture the stream sequence

Returning from having just taken some cool photos at Big Niagara Falls, I wanted to capture the sign so I wouldn’t forget where I was.  In a moment of bad judgement, I put myself in the photo 🙂 Notice the layers of clothing and rain jacket – be prepared for anything when visiting Baxter!

Yours truly.  Oh come on - give me a break - it's a FISHEYE lens!! 🙂 

Here are the High Dynamic Range (HDR) photos used to produce the first photo in the first post in this Baxter series. HDR is an awesome technique, but it’s not without it’s own faults and limitations.  I use and recommend Photomatix to process HDR images.  It’s the only HDR program I’ve used to date – however I’ll happily try others if companies send me a copy!

The HDR captures for the first photo in the first post of this series

I parked the car and saw a perfect mushroom. It wasn’t going anywhere so I figured I would take its photo when I come back from looking for moose.  A couple hours later, this is what it looked like!! Not long after that, only the stem was left!! Note to self – Take the photo right away next time!!

I should have taken this photo when I first saw the 'shroom - before it was half eaten!!

Thought the next scene was colorful – nothing more…

No particular reason...

One of my objectives was to photograph Mt. Katahdin and Sandy Stream Pond at night. This was taken with a fisheye on my last night in the park. All of the other nights were clouded over. Taken with a fisheye – the landscape is being lit by a nearly full moon while the stars light up the expansive sky! (Click on the photo to see the stars better.)

Starry Sky - Moonlit Landscape

Baxter State Park would not be here if it were not for the generous gift of Percival Proctor Baxter. Always good to think about and recognize the people who make things possible. What a loss this would have been!!

Thank you Percival Proctor Baxter for your generous gift and amazing foresight!!

Thanks for stopping by. This concludes this series on Baxter State Park. I hope you found it helpful and enjoyable. Best of luck if you go – be sure to send me a link of your photos if you do!!

Thanks for stopping by - Please visit this blog again!!

Resources for more information:
– High Dynamic Range (HDR) processing software:
– Emotimo PT Time Lapse Machine:
– Maine Foliage Report:
– Maine Moose fact page:
– Moose Wikipedia fact page:
– Baxter State Park:
– Maine Appalachian Trail Club:
– Official US Government Web Site:
– Appalachian Trail Conservancy:

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3 Responses to Baxter State Park – Finale: Behind the scenes and cut photos

  1. Looks like you had a great trip, thanks for sharing! Nice HDR!!

  2. Looks like you had a great trip, thanks for sharing! Nice HDR!!

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