Beautiful Cut Throat

The term Cut Throat is one that usually conjures up a very negative connotation of someone who is not nice, is mean, is spiteful, is a bully.  Basically, it’s a person who will do anything to improve his/her status in some way at the uncaring expense of others.

So when can a Cut Throat be beautiful?  When it’s the colloquial name of the Rose-breasted Grosbeak, and so named because of the startling blood-red plumage starting at its neck line.

The Grosbeak is a member of the passerines that spend their winters in Central and South America.  Then, as if in a race for its life, makes a bee-line to North America where it tries to find suitable habit, searches for a mate, rears its young and then prepares to head south again.  Unlike human cut throats, the grosbeak is a stunningly beautiful animal.

Like clockwork, every year the Rose-breasted Grosbeak arrives in the North East during the first week in May – this after flying non-stop over the Gulf of Mexico, like millions of other birds do this time of year.  Simply Amazing!!

This rendition uses a photo taken this week of a new arrival and applies two passes of Fractalius of different effects that are blended at less than full strength on top of the original photo.  This was overlaid with a background texture for the final effect.

Enjoy this Cut Throat – but don’t be one!

Cut Throat – (c) Scott Vincent

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6 Responses to Beautiful Cut Throat

  1. Scott, I love this one! The texture overlay is the masters touch for this one! Great job with the Fractalius filter.

    I know a couple of cut throats and you have described them well πŸ™‚

  2. Scott, I love this one! The texture overlay is the masters touch for this one! Great job with the Fractalius filter.

    I know a couple of cut throats and you have described them well πŸ™‚

  3. Dennis Bishop says:

    Very nice. Because of the contrasting in colors and the placement in the frame, ones eyes immediately go to the grosbeak. There are also some great diagonals pointing right at it. Good working getting it to pose, there.

    Are you a bird whisperer?

    • Thanks so much Dennis!! Really appreciate your comments. And I love the “bird whisperer” comment – I love birds and may have to use that as a tag line!!

  4. Pingback: Grand Central Terminal… | A CREATIVE ADVENTURE photography by denise ippolito

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