Manhattan Skyline Workshop Report

Manhattan Skyline - Mid-town Panorama © 2011 Scott Vincent (Click on any image for a better view)

The evening Manhattan Skyline Workshop with co-leaders Denise Ippolito & Scott Vincent on August 13, 2011 was a great success.  We had five participants and one spouse attending, and everyone had a really fun time.

This workshop is special because it is such a great playground to learn and try techniques that you either never thought of before or hadn’t had the opportunity to try.  Denise & I demonstrate many unique skills & techniques during the evening and show the great potential of twilight and nighttime photography against one of the most magnificent skyline backdrops in the world!!  Even “The Great One”, Artie Morris, learned several new photography skills and tips from this workshop!!

Since I’ve photographed from this location so many times before, this time I tried some enhanced processing on several of the images using a technique called High Dynamic Range, or HDR.  This can create some interesting, hyper-realistic results.  In some of the photos, the moon was just peaking through the clouds.  Since HDR combines several photos, the software created a “black hole” effect where the moon was visible in some photos, but not in others.  I’ve left the “black hole” in the photos for added interest.  I’ll provide an overview and tutorial of HDR in another blog post or two.

If you missed this workshop, Denise and I are planning others.  Please send us a note and we’ll be sure to let you know when the next one is scheduled.  We look forward to having you along!

WordPress tends to soften the displayed images below.  Click on any to have a better view.

Manhattan Skyline B&W, with a touch of color. © 2011 Scott Vincent

Manhattan Skyline - Black Hole Moon with a Grunge Look. © 2011 Scott Vincent

Manhattan Skyline - 6 Image HDR. © 2011 Scott Vincent

Manhattan Skyline - In Black & White. © 2011 Scott Vincent

Manhattan Skyline - Twilight Zoom Blur of Empire State Building. © 2011 Scott Vincent

Manhattan Skyline - Midtown HDR with Glowing Edges. © 2011 Scott Vincent

Manhattan Skyline - Tone Mapped HDR. © 2011 Scott Vincent

Manhattan Skyline - Virtual Fireworks. © 2011 Scott Vincent

Manhattan Skyline Workshop Participants Aug-13-2011. © 2011 Scott Vincent

Manhattan Skyline Workshop group shot ~ left to right Ken Kovak, Dorothy Kovak, Kevin Watson, Deborah Lewinson, Arthur Morris, Denise Ippolito (co-leader), Charlie Smith & Scott Vincent (co-leader). Photo © 2011 Scott Vincent

Please check out some of Denise’s images from the workshop Here.

Scroll down on this page to find information about the next Manhattan Skyline Workshop!!

This entry was posted in Denise Ippolito, New York City, New York City Skyline, Night Photography, Workshop and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink.

6 Responses to Manhattan Skyline Workshop Report

  1. All really nice images Scott! We had a great time and plenty of interest for another workshop!

  2. Pingback: Manhattan Skyline Workshop Fun | A Creative Adventure

  3. Pingback: Manhattan Skyline Workshop New Fall Date! | A Creative Adventure

  4. I for one had a great time and learned a stack including something amazingly important. See a set of my images here: and visit the blog again soon to learn the great thing that Scott taught me about my 800.

    • Hi Artie! It was a blast to have you join us!! You always enjoy taking photographs, but I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen you have so much fun! I love your 800mm extracted NYC landscape photos!! With all you’ve taught me over the years, I’m so happy I could help you with some new tips and techniques! Keep up the good work!

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